Julie has been meeting with the same group
of high school girls that she met in 2010. She has mentored
these precious girls for several years, choosing a new focus
each year.

Discovery Bible Studies (asking ourselves, "What is beautiful in our life?")
I still continue to meet with this fabulous group of girls (now women) once a week. We share a meal and do Discovery Bible Studies (DBS) together. They are like family to us!
We have also been learning the skill of wall stenciling and are they getting so good at it. I'm sure we won't be able to resist turning this into a business!

This year I am meeting with my girls once a week. They
come to my house and make dinner together (they choose the
menu and make the meal...I just buy the ingrediets). Then
we sit down together and do three things:
- Listen to God - We take a few minutes
to listen to the Lord. I ask them to close their eyes
and listen to what God has to say to them right now. This
can be a picture he gives them, a song, a word or an idea.
They write down what they feel God is saying to them.
- Fresh
Start - The girls are going through a work-book,
where they experience the process of becoming free from
the effects of offense, hurt, and loss through the transforming
power of forgiveness and freedom in Christ.
This year I was pregant and had a new born baby, so was
not able to meet as regularly with my Divas. We did see
each other throughout the year and since many of them were
seniors, the focus was on visiting universities and helping
them apply for college.
I met with this amazing group of 16 year old girls and
we do a Discovery Bible Study and dance lesson (offered
through a local dance studio) once a week.
Esther – The girls took turns
reading the entire book of Esther out loud – and
we ended with watching the movie “A Night With the
King”. See
the journal...
Journal - I give the girls a special
notebook and assignment. See
the journal...
Ruth – the girls memorized the
whole book of Ruth using – where they put the story
in their own words and created actions. See
the journal...
The CPx class of 2011 did a camp for Ocean
Views most at-risk girls and invited us to assist. It was
incredible! 10 girls attended the camp and each girl had
a one-on-one mentor.
We shared God's destiny for their lives and
prayed for each girl throughout the weekend! We...
- played fun games,
- pampered the girls with facials and pedicures,
- spoke to them about the realities of drugs and sex,
- offered a dance class,
- provided jewellery making lessons,
- mentored each girl individually,
- and built some amazing relationships.
- Read journal entry...
- See photos...
In 2010 we began by offering an after school
club called the Amazing African Women Film Society,
designed to teach at-risk high school girls how to film,
interview and create a movie.
Every week the girls had the chance to listen
to an inspirational African woman share her personal story
of challenges and success. The girls were touched
by each speaker's transparent account of a difficult journey
and triumph through God.
We put on a two-night leadership adventure camp with the
Ocean View High School prefects (student council members).
They had fun with games, teachings, small group discussions
and adventure activities (obstacle course, problem solving
outdoor events, etc.).