We don't believe in hand-outs...we believe in hand-ups!
Milestone day for All Nations "Business for Mission" (B4M) team!
He will also be mentored by Corne, a succesful and experienced South African business man, who will help answer questions and lend ideas.
This project is so exciting because he is starting with a $1,000 loan to buy chitenge wraps from his come country of Malawi. He will bring them back to Cape Town and sell them here where the demand and profit is high.
His plan is to use these profits to start an even bigger business!
He expects to make enough money in the next 6 months to then be able to buy a Millie-Meal mill from the profit of the Chitenje Wrap Business.
He can use the mill to start another business to create pap, a stable food in South Africa (similar to American grits). This means he will be providing food for his community in Malawi and raising up others to join him

Chitenge is an African garment similar to sarong, often worn by women
(wrapped around the chest or waist, over the head as a headscarf, or as a baby sling)

Mealie-meal is a relatively coarse flour made from maize (called mielies). It is a staple food in many African countries used to make porridge (eaten for breakfast in Southern Africa) or the firmer pap (eaten with the hands with meat and gravy dishes as well as vegetable relishes). It is similar to Italian polenta or American grits.
The soccer season just started up again and it's really happening! The older soccer players are mentoring younger players!
Why is this so important?
So for us...it's pretty excitingwhen our older Ubuntu academy players Wade, Carl, Chadley, and Zeemo help coach and mentor the other players.
They do this on the field by assisting coaches during the practice session of younger players. They also lead the Bible Studies and help the other players discover for themselves what God is saying to them.

Karl taught a coaching course to local coaches - teaching them the foundations of coaching youth soccer, different theories of tactics and most importantly how to value players and inspire them that the process is more important than winning (no seriously...the process REALLY IS more important than winning)!