Whew! We have spent this month trying to finish sorting through our 6 crates of stored items, going through Joan's things and getting ready to sell old possessions. Oh my!
Our family has been SO helpful!
Photo above top row: Julie, Karl, (Dot) Julie's Mom, (Paul) Julie's Dad, (Erin) Julie's Sister-in-Law and Ken (Julie's Brother)
Using many of our old house-hold items, Karl's dad has been so kind to let us decorate some rooms in his house to make us feel more at home.

Bunting Marina made from Colton's "cowboy" baby shower (modified by Kathy Binder),
wood art made by my brother from salvaged barn wood, cowboy hat from Emme's first birthday party,
and a rope we brought from Africa to spell "Colton"

Karl's dad's old "cowboy" leather coat from childhood

Rope from Africa and poster from
Colton's "cowboy baby shower"

Grandpa Paul's cowboy boots, license plate collected by Karl's parents,
and photos of Karl dressed as cowboy when he was young

"Woo Hoo" and wooden horse brought from a craft shop in Africa and
(along with dresser not pictured here) lent to us by Karl's cousin

Bunting made by women in Africa (Motherhood is Beautiful) and dolls made in Africa a gift from Marina

Art Gallery! We found old frames and painted them all pink (to display Jensen and Adi's artwork). Thanks for the help, Mom!
It was fun to feature decorative words brought back from Cape Town ("grace" and "vrede" - Afrikaans for "peace")

Julie's brother Ken gave this wall a blue base coat (he had a helper!)

Julie had so much fun stencilling this basement wall with Erin
(in tribute to the Beautiful Changes wall stencil team in Africa)

Amost done (this took about 4-5 hours)!

Ooo la la!

This was the bed we had before! We used many of our former "red" decor items.

I love this reminder of our "African home" beside our bed (hand painting by a friend from Zimbabwe, hand carved salt shaker and of course our beloved red "Africa")

Found our old painting!

So nice to finally get settled in!