
He was throwing up all night, but since people started
praying this morning he has been able to keep sips of
water down (although he is still in the fetal position).
Please pray:
- Would you ask the Lord to speed up his recovery
so he could still attend the soccer tournament tomorrow?
- Would you ask the Lord to protect the girls from
this sickness?
Answered Prayer: April 4, 20100 - Karl is fully
recovered and the girls have not caught anything yet.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
I am so proud of our Ocean View single moms! They
have finished the Sisterhood of Success class, and
we see the Lord changing their life, heart and circumstances
every day.
I made a charm bracelet and gave it as a present
to our girls - to remind them of Isaiah 61:1-3, verses
Alli (my Baby Safe partner) and I love to pray over
these precious girls!
- HEART- bind up the brokenhearted
- KEY - freedom for the captives
- SUN - release from darkness for
the prisoners
- JEWEL - crown of beauty instead
of ashes
- OIL - oil of joy instead of mourning
- GARMENT - garment of praise instead
of a spirit of despair
- LEAF - They will be called oaks
of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the
display of his splendor
The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me because
the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news
to the poor. He has sent me to bind up
the brokenhearted, to proclaim
freedom for the captives and release
from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim
the year of the LORD’s favor and the day
of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn,
and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to
bestow on them a crown of beauty
instead of ashes, the oil of joy
instead of mourning, and a garment of
praise instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the LORD for the display of his
In the High School Girls Bible Study today the girls
learned a new word - Acrostic!
We talked about how Old Testament writers loved acrostics
and sprinkled them throughout the entire Bible. It's
facinating, because we just finished the book of Esther
and realized that even though the book of Esther never
mentions God's name - Jehova (JHVH) is listed 4 times
as a hidden acrostic in the story.
The girls had fun making acrostics out of their names!
Note: An acrostic for my name, for instance,
is Just Use Little Itty-bitty Eggs (JULIE).

Some of their name acrostics:
- JODY - Join Our Dangerous Youngsters
- NICOLETTE - Never Introduce Cats
or Leopards Ever To Those Enemies
- MICHE - Monster Insects Can Hurt
sit on blankets outside the dance studio and talk,
laugh and read the Bible |
girls made great acrostics out of their names |
our Bible Study, they start practicing their dance
routine in the street (they don't want to waste the
5 minutes before class starts) |
On my way to Gloria's new home in
the Masiphumelele wet lands
We maneuvered past broken
down shacks (made of scrap wood, tin and card board),
growling dogs, and the local water spicket (used
for hauling water to your shack and washing clothes)...as
Alli and I followed Gloria through the "wet
lands" in Masiphumelele.
She laughed with glee as she hugged
the framed photo – so excited to see the image
of herself – holding up her graduation certificate!
We are so proud of her! As a Baby
Safe client, Gloria decided to keep her baby boy,
now almost 1 year old, and just graduated from Sisterhood
of Success. She is leading Bible studies with women
in her community and is working hard to find a job
and provide for her two small children.
Last week she was in desperate need
of housing, so she scoured her neighborhood looking
for a shack to rent. Baby Safe has given her a small
loan for her first 2 months of rent ($42 a month),
while she looks for employment.
We truly see God's glory in Gloria!
As we were sitting on Gloria’s
bed, she shared that a few days ago a man raped
a 6 year old and 10 year old girl here in her neighborhood.
The two sisters were alone in their shack, while
their mother was out drinking. The man was discovered
passed out on one of the children. One of the girls
was so traumatized she had a bowel movement on the
Gloria is horrified a mother could
behave this way. The man has been arrested and the
children are home from the hospital but the mother
is still out drinking. Gloria is very concerned
something similar could happen to them again.
Before we left, we prayed
that God would bless her new little home and protect
her precious family. We asked for God’s favor
and blessing on her life.
Note: She told us she has renamed
her 1 year old son “Jensen” and her
4 year old daughter “Alli.” We are so
honored to know Gloria and call her our friend.
As we were leaving the wet lands and
got back to Alli’s car – we discovered
her back windshield was shattered and her purse,
with all her money and credit cards was stolen.
We called the police and Gloria pointed out the
men she thinks committed the crime. The police
will be doing an investigation, but in the mean
time the men have threatened Gloria.
Would you come to our Father about these

Gloria and I outside her new home
with her son "Jensen" and daughter "Alli"
Alli and "Alli" |
Gloria at her
Sisterhood of Success graduation recently
(this was the photo we framed for her) |
Arriving at Ubuntu Sports soccer practice,
I (Karl) noticed he started out with one shoe (a
canvas slip-on) and one sock. Apparently
the other boys were laughing at him, so he took
off his one shoe and just played in socks.
I admired his courage and tenacity - the field
is pretty rough - filled with sharp rocks and sand
burs - not ideal for bare feet covered in socks.
They just love playing soccer! They long to hear
"Good Job!", feel the ball between their
feet, and forget for a moment the tough blows life
has dealt them.
It's a priviledge and honor for me to be
their coach - here for the "good part"
of their day!
Since last month the Ocean View High School girls
have been meeting once a week to study the book of
Esther (a tale of intrigue involving love, betrayal
and murder) and take dance lessons.
We finished the book this afternoon
and I (Julie) asked them, "What was your favorite
part of the story?" (SEE VIDEO BELOW)
- Nicholette - "The
- Stephanie - "When
Haman got hanged! My favorite part!"
- Richelene - "When
Esther got offered half the kingdom."
- Nadine- "Where
all the Jews didn't need to be scared any more and
everyone wanted to be a Jew. It was dangerous NOT
to be a Jew any more!."
- Monique - "When
Esther made herself pretty for the king - got herself
looking GOOD!"

Karl interviews two soccer players about
why they love soccer. One says he "enjoys it"
and the other one wants to be "a soccer super
star - famous!"
What do people want most in South Africa?
A job!
Nine of our Sisterhood of Success graduates
are now looking for employment!
Unemployment is at 25% in South Africa,
so in order to assist them, we have formed support
groups that meet several times a week, with a very
specific plan customized for each woman.
"task items" on their Employment Plan (varies
for each woman):
1. Finish High School -
Take the steps to finish school (many employers
require a 10th grade education). Note: None
of our 14 Sisterhood graduates have finished high
school (dropped out anywhere from 4th to 11th grade).
2. Get Teeth - Many
women from Ocean View do not have their front teeth.
Reasons vary. As you can imagine, interviews with
employers go much better if they have "flippers"
(front teeth they can "flip in"). The
cost is about $40 (R300).
3. Get a your ID -
You must have your ID to be able to work legally.
4. Get a library card -
A library card allows you to use the free library
computers to search for jobs online.
5. Learn basic computer skills
- Get an email account, update your CV
(resume), search for jobs online (we are so grateful
Elmien will be teaching computer skills)
6. Practice Interviewing -
They have learned how to handle an interview
during their class, and we will build on their knowledge
by helping them practice how to respond to the top
15 interview questions.
7. Apply for jobs both online
and offline (by dropping off your CV at
a place of employment)
8. Obtain housing -
Most of these women do not have home of their own
and live in dysfunctional home environments. Once
they obtain employment they can get credit to purchase
a Wendy house with a payment plan.
Today we discussed John 15:15: You
did not choose me, but I chose YOU and appointed
YOU so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit
that will last—and so that whatever you ask
in my name the Father will give you.
We talked about how GOD has
chosen and appointed THEM...that He knew them and
loved them before they were born. We described their
future - a future where they are employed, can provide
for their children, have a home of their own and
are leaders in their community.
We KNOW it will happen. God is for
These sisters have dreams! Dreams
to own their own business and become leaders and examples
in their communities.
of our Sisterhood of Success graduates have been selected
to attend Sisterhood of Dreams - to learn how to start
their own business.
Pile 'em in! I (Karl) had no
idea that a standard size pick-up truck (called a
"bakkie" here) could literally hold 33 kids.
We use the truck (aka bakkie) for many
things - not the least of which is giving the boys
a ride home to Masiphumelele from soccer practice
in Fish Hoek !
Graduation...incredible! We are so proud of the
14 women who, dressed in their Sunday best, graduated
today. They completed Sisterhood of Excellence and
Sisterhood of Value.
Alli, Meehan, Julie, Bethany
- Bethany (Director) - Who
supported this idea from the beginning. Even though
I doubted myself - she had faith and knew God would
come through. She approved a generous budget, visited
our class and inspired the women with encouragement
from the Lord during graduation..words I know they will
remember for a lifetime. She also prayed for each woman
individually - offering them hope and support through
desperate situations.
- Alli - Who must have
made 300 trips to Ocean View (transporting the students),
spent countless hours in the classroom sacrificially
cut the loaf of bologna (her most un-favorite food),
sorted childcare and prayed without ceasing for these
precious daughters of God
- Danielle - Who made
an endless number of trips bringing us petty cash, helped
with transport and was always willing to pitch in.
We love you, Danielle!
- Meehan - Who prayed
for every women and asked the Lord for a special word
of encouragement just for her. She then created the
most beautiful cards for each student, expressing the
Lord's heart for them with a special scripture and word
of blessing. She helped with transportation, spent time
in our class and took the most amazing photos at graduation.
Every woman will receive a photo of their "graduation
moment," holding their certificate. For many, this
is the only certificate they have ever received.
- Elmien - Who, upon
arriving at her first day on the job at Baby Safe, was
immediately willing to help us out at Sisterhood. We
desperately needed someone to lead a group discussion
during our student evaluations that day. She jumped
in without hesitation and has been a great support for
the women. We also appreciate her public relations experience
and look forward to some media attention for our amazing
group of students.
Composed of 6 small houses, our little
neighborhood is about the size of 4 acres. It's probably
similar to the beginning stages of your neighborhood
when there were only a few houses (they stopped building
houses here when the economy suffered). We average
about 3 people per acre.
Masiphumelele, a nearby township composed
of many shacks, is a community of 38,000 people living
on less than one square mile (110 acres to be exact).
Masiphumelele averages about 345 people per
acre. Read
more about Masi...
I (Julie) realize that many people are
not as impressed with the "why" as much as
I am. In fact, our friends here - when they want to
do a "Julie impression" - give a long pause
with an emphatic " WHYYY???"
I guess I just really want to know WHY.
So if you're at all like me - the "why"
of simple church is very important.
On this note...here is a great
explanation of "why"simple church" -
in the words of a few friends...
But principles in the Kingdom of God
turn us upside down. Here, instead of gathering
a few spiritually curious people to sit and listen
to us, we empower one or two of them to lead each
other into greater understanding with simply a Bible
and a few questions.
We ask ourselves (as church-planters),
do we trust that our DNA doesn’t need to be
the life-force these hungry people will feed on? Do
we believe that the Spirit of God will draw men to
Himself, and that the Word is enough to change lives?
more from John...
Take away the building, the
worship band and the Sunday school classes. In fact,
take away the masses of people as well. Jesus
discipled 12, and they reached the world. If we keep
our simple churches small and intimate, we can disciple
each person well and thouroughly, training them at
the same time to plant a simple church of their own.
Today we had Ubuntu soccer practice, which includes
the kids in the academy as well as kids from the local
area who are white, colored and black and come from
the local townships.
I (Karl) find it very cool to see the different
races out there playing a sport they love and laughing
with each other. They aren't sure what to
make of my "American" accent and wonder
if I know Landon Donovan.
We had 60+ kids (with three coaches) with a wide
degree of talent. It made for an interesting session.
Before each practice we hold a devotional with the
kids. This is a very special time, as we begin to
see these young men realize how sport imitates life.
We talk about the path God has for them and
a destiny they can find if they work hard, make good
decisions and believe in His love for them.
Last week, I (Karl) took four "Sisterhood
of Success" ladies to a wholesale meat market
near downtown Cape Town. The ladies were buying
meat to take back to the township and sell in order
to help make money for the cost of their class.
A few observations...
1. I was told being a white male, the African
women would not speak to me in the car while driving
there. They talked the entire way. I guess
I've been accepted as a black woman.
3. I would guess close to 800 people came through
the doors in the hour and half I was there. Of
those 800 people, I was the only white male.
4. When do we go again?
Journal entries: